Where to Store Your Vacuum in a Small Apartment? (12 Ideas)

where to store vacuum cleaner 12 ideas thumbnail

Small apartments are lovely and easy to clean. But where to store vacuum cleaner may be a problem as every inch of the apartment is essential. But worry no more, we have assembled an array of innovative, space-saving vacuum cleaner storage ideas guaranteed to solve your storage woes.

Things You should Consider When Looking for Storage for Vacuum Cleaners

1. Layout of Your Apartment

An apartment's layout plays a crucial role in determining the storage possibilities. Look for void spaces in corners, under furniture, or behind doors. Can you utilize vertical spaces, or is a small closet standing idle? Creative use of your layout could mean the difference between a cluttered room and a neatly stored vacuum cleaner.

2. Frequency of Using the Vacuum

How often do you use the vacuum cleaner? If you're using it frequently, it would be more practical to have it stored in a place that's easily accessible. On the other hand, sparingly used vacuum cleaners can be stowed away in more hidden storage spaces. It's all about striking a balance between convenience and maximizing space.

3. Size of Your Vacuum

The size of your vacuum cleaner also matters significantly. Smaller handheld vacuum cleaners can be stored in a drawer or on a shelf, while an upright or canister vacuum cleaner may require a more spacious storage area. Measure your vacuum cleaner and the potential storage spaces to ensure a good fit.

4. Type of Your Vacuum

Different types of vacuum cleaners have various storage considerations. For example, cordless stick vacuums can be neatly hung on a wall mount, while a robotic vacuum usually comes with its own charging dock that can be tucked away in a corner.


12 Options for Storing Your Vacuum in a Small Apartment

1. Under the Bed

The space under your bed provides a large concealed area that can easily fit most cordless or handheld vacuums. Some higher beds might even accommodate smaller upright vacuums! However, ensure you clean the area beneath the bed periodically to prevent excessive dirt accumulation.


2. On the Wall

Wall mounts aren't just for TVs and decor, consider hanging your vacuum cleaner on the wall. Perfect for cordless vacuums, this not only saves floor space but also keeps your vacuum out of the way and easily accessible. Certain vacuums, such as most INSE cordless models, come with wall mounts and screws included in the package, making it easier for users to hang their vacuums on the wall and conserve space effectively.


3. A Custom Nook

Consider designating a small area in your home, like a corner or a part of a room, solely for vacuum storage. This can be as simple as adding a curtain or a stylish room divider to create a dedicated nook. And this vacuum storage way would be more practical if the vacuum could stand on its own, or could use a vacuum stand to store the body and accessories.


4. In the Wardrobe or Closet

Got a little extra closet space? Utilize it to store your vacuum! Neatly tuck it away on a shelf or hang it on the inside of a closet door, you can maintain a clutter-free appearance in your home.


5. Slide it into a Narrow Gap

If your vacuum is slim enough, you could slide it into a narrow gap between furniture or appliances, a method especially useful for stick vacuums.


6. In a Cabinet

You may want to know how to hide vacuum cleaner to make your house looks more tidy. Cabinets, especially tall ones, can be ideal spaces for upright or canister vacuums. You might even consider a dedicated vacuum storage cabinet that blends with your home decor.

how to store vacuum cleaner-storage cabinet for vacuum cleaner

 image source: leichthaus

7. On a Shelf

For those with smaller handheld vacuums, dedicating a shelf for storage could be a great space-saving technique. High or low, make sure it's within easy reach!


8. In a Vacuum Cleaner Bag or Box

Large, stylish vacuum cleaner bags or vacuum cleaner storage boxes offer a way to not just store but conveniently move the vacuum from room to room. While some models may include a storage bag in their packaging, ensure to purchase one separately if it's not provided.


9. Use an Ottoman

Multi-functional furniture, like ottomans, with storage space inside, can serve as a clever hiding spot for your vacuum cleaner. A perfect solution if you value aesthetics as well as space-saving.


10. Behind or Under Your Couch

The space behind or beneath your couch might be suitable to slide in your vacuum. A perfect hideaway for slim cordless or stick vacuums! But ensure to position it at an optimal angle in case easy to slip in, and hard to get out.


11. In a Drawer

If you're using a compact, handheld vacuum, utilizing a drawer space in the hallway or kitchen is an optimal storing option.


12. Underneath the Stairs

If your apartment has a staircase, you have a goldmine of storage space! The area underneath the stairs can accommodate larger vacuums like upright or canister models.


Where Should I Store A Cordless Vacuum?

Cordless vacuums offer greater flexibility due to their compact size and lack of cords. They can be stored in a variety of spots that may not accommodate traditional vacuum cleaners. A prevalent choice is to use a wall mount, as with the INSE S9 model—the device's wall-mounted docking station optimizes vertical space while simultaneously ensuring easy accessibility. This can be in a utility room, a laundry room, or even in a closet. Alternate options could include under-bed storage, behind a door, or in a narrow gap next to a piece of furniture or appliance. The key aspect to remember is to place it near a power outlet if your vacuum requires a charging dock for battery recharge.


inse s9 best vacuum for small apartment-vacuum store on the wall with wall mount

Where Should I Store A Canister Vacuum?

Storage of canister vacuums requires a bit more creativity due to their larger size. They are best stored in a closet or a nook, where the hose and wand can be stored vertically to conserve space. Consider using a hanging organizer in a closet where you can coil the hose, and store the head separately. If you have space in a corner, you can also consider a stylish storage bin that hides the vacuum while blending seamlessly into your room decor. Remember to detach all the removable parts and store them in separate compartments or storage bins to optimize space use.

Where Should I Store A Handheld Vacuum?

Due to their compact size and portability, handheld vacuums offer the most diverse range of storage options. They can easily fit inside a drawer, cabinet, or shelf without taking up much room. Another smart storage idea is to mount a small rack or holster on the wall or inside a closet door and keep your handheld vacuum there. If your handheld vacuum comes with a charging base, make sure you store it near a power source - perhaps on a counter in the laundry room, the kitchen, or a hallway console table. Don't forget, a handheld vacuum could also be discreetly stored in a decorative storage box or basket, keeping it out of sight yet easily accessible.

Where Should I Store A Wet Dry Vacuum?

If you have a cordless wet-dry vacuum like the INSE W5, due to its cumbersome than a cordless stick vac, it may not be easy to repeatedly move it between floors. To avoid this, consider placing it on the first floor, ideally in a corner near a power socket. If floor space is limited, utilize height instead: sturdy shelves or overhead storage racks can be excellent options. Alternatively, basements or garages can also serve as suitable storage spots if available. Regardless of the location, ensure the vacuum is kept in a dry area to avoid potential damage or mildew growth.


Place INSE W5 on the storage base


Where You Shouldn’t Store Your Vacuum

Here are a few places where storing a vacuum cleaner isn't recommended, along with reasons why:

1. Bathroom

Bathrooms generally have moisture and humidity, which could potentially harm your vacuum cleaner's electronics and decrease its lifespan.


2. Near a heating device

Vacuum cleaners shouldn't be stored near heat sources such as radiators or heaters as it can cause the plastic components to warp and damage the electronic elements.


3. Places accessible to pets

If you have pets, you may want to consider storing the vacuum in a closet or other out-of-the-way spot. This is because pets can be naughty, potentially biting the cord or leaving stains like urine, both of which could damage the vacuum.


4. Cluttered areas

Avoid storing your vacuum cleaner in areas where hoses can get tangled or potentially damaged.