8 Essential Safety Tips for Using a Vacuum Cleaner

8 essential vacuum safety tips thumbnail
Vacuum cleaners are indispensable tools in our daily lives, helping us maintain a clean and dust-free living environment. Although they appear simple to operate, ensuring the vacuum cleaner safety and proper use of vacuum cleaner is crucial even when using the best vacuum cleaner.

In today's post, we'll delve into essential guidelines when operating your vacuum cleaner to minimize risks and keep your home spotless. These eight essential tips will enhance the longevity of your vacuum and help you navigate the process of tidying up with confidence and ease. So, let's dive in and explore these essential safety precautions, this blog is all you need!

8 Tips That You Need to Follow When Using a Vacuum Cleaner

1. Wear Slippers When Vacuuming

You may be tempted to move around your home with bare feet or socks while vacuuming, but this isn't the safest choice. Wearing slippers or shoes during the process provides several benefits that can't be overlooked. First, they offer an added layer of protection against any small sharp objects or debris that may have been missed by the vacuum cleaner. Additionally, wearing footwear reduces the risk of slipping on freshly vacuumed floors, especially on hard surfaces like hardwood or tile.

wear slipper when vacuuming
Furthermore, it's crucial to remember that some vacuums also generate static electricity. Wearing slippers or shoes, preferably ones with rubber soles, acts as an insulator, protecting you from potential static shocks when you come into contact with metal objects or parts of the vacuum itself.

2. Use Only Compatible Charging Cords

When it comes to using electrical appliances, it's easy to assume that any cord will do the job as long as it fits. However, this is wrong. Any charging cord or power cord you use for your vacuum cleaner needs to be the specific one designed for that model. The reason behind this is that each appliance is designed to handle a certain level of voltage and amperage. Using a cord that isn't compatible could cause overloading and subsequently, overheating which might lead to a fire.

Moreover, always ensure you're using a cord in good condition. Damaged cords with exposed wires are safety hazards that increase the risk of electric shock. In case the cord for your vacuum cleaner is damaged, it is important to replace it with an original part from the manufacturer or a part recommended by the manufacturer.

3. Avoid Oversized and Sharp Debris

We all know we could use vacuum cleaners to clean up everyday dirt and dust from our homes, but they are not designed for oversized or sharp objects, like broken glass. These can cause blockages in hoses or internal parts, overwork the motor, or puncture the vacuum bag plastic dustbox, or internal components. It is likely to reduce the dust collection efficiency of the vacuum cleaner, and even result in costly repairs or replacements due to permanent damage, or even hurt you.

To prevent these issues, visually inspect the area you're about to clean before vacuuming. Pick up manually and dispose of any oversized or sharp objects accordingly.

4. Don't Vacuum Liquids

As versatile as our vacuums may be, if they aren't specifically designed as a wet/dry model, they aren't meant to handle liquids. Vacuuming up liquid spills with standard vacuums can cause serious damage, affecting both the motor and the electrical components of the unit. This is because the water can create a conduit for electricity, which increases the risk of electric shocks and short circuits. In addition, the internal components are not waterproof and exposure to liquids can cause them to rust or malfunction.

In case of spills, it's best to clean them up with a mop, towel, or, if available, a wet/dry vacuum cleaner specifically designed for such tasks. You could use an INSE W5 cordless wet-dry vacuum to clean up the wet mess and leave no stains, no need to vacuum or mop separately, as it could do them at the same time. As a preventive measure, keep beverages and other liquids away from areas you plan to vacuum to avoid accidental spills.


5. Often Empty the Canister/Dustbin

If the canister or dustbin is always close to reaching its full capacity, the vacuum's suction power can decrease, causing it to overwork, reduce efficiency, and ultimately lead to potential motor damage.

empty the inse s9 stick cordless vacuum dust box
To avoid these issues, make a habit of emptying the canister or dustbin after each use or whenever it reaches around 75% of its capacity. For bagged vacuum cleaners, replace the disposable bag before it becomes overly full, and ensure the replacement bag is appropriate for your vacuum model.

6. Avoid Flammable Materials

An often overlooked aspect of safe vacuuming is taking caution to not vacuum up flammable or combustible materials. This includes substances like gasoline, kerosene, lighter fluid, and even combustible fine powders like flour or sugar- unless one is using a wet/dry vacuum that can safely handle powders.
Ignition or damage can occur when these materials contact the electric motor inside the vacuum cleaner, causing a fire risk and potential repairs. Always clean up flammable substances appropriately before vacuuming and if unsure about the safety of a material, consult the manual or contact the manufacturer.

7. Store the Vacuum Cleaner Safely

Storage is the final step in maintaining your vacuum cleaner, yet it's just as important as all the other steps.

First and foremost, ensure your vacuum cleaner is entirely turned off and unplugged before storing it. Extend the power cord completely to check for any wear, tear, or other damages, then coil it loosely without kinks to prevent damage to the internal wires.

Detach and store any attachments separately for easy access and care. Store the vacuum in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight or heat, ensuring good airflow around it to prevent overheating and motor damage.

8. Perform Regular Maintenance

It is evitable to learn general guidelines on maintenance of vacuum cleaner. Start by checking and cleaning the filters. Clean the HEPA filters using a brush if it is not washable, wash the washable filters using cold water, and make sure all are dry before refitting.

Clean any tangled hair or string on the brush rolls to prevent them from rotating improperly. A decline in performance, stop spinning, or a burning smell while running the cleaner can indicate a problem with the brush roll.

brush roll with all tangled hair

Check if there is any leakage that results from some broken part. Replace them in time before any dirt comes into the motor and damages the motor.

Lastly, regularly inspect the hoses for blockages or leaks. A blocked hose reduces suction power, while a leak can cause dust and dirt to escape.

We published a blog before and you could check this vacuum maintenance guide to better handle this.


Q: What is the first thing to do before vacuuming?

A: The first thing to do before vacuuming is to inspect the area and manually pick up any large debris, or sharp objects, or rub away liquids, and make sure there aren't too many obstacles. Also, the vacuum is fully charged if it is cordless.

Q: How do you prevent injuries while pulling the vacuum cleaner?

If the vacuum cleaner is- bulky or heavy, preventing injuries while maneuvering it requires some careful strategies.

Begin by tightening your core or stomach muscles, which provides stability and significantly reduces the risk of straining your back. Next, bend your knees, especially while lifting or moving the vacuum to help distribute weight effectively and prevent undue stress on your lower back. It's also beneficial to lean in slightly toward the vacuum as you push, contributing additional strength and stability. Conversely, when pulling the vacuum, lean slightly away from it. This distribution of weight makes pulling easier, reducing strain.

Q: What are the things to consider before using a vacuum cleaner?

Before using a vacuum, consider the type of flooring, check for large debris, sharp objects, or liquids to prevent damage or safety risks, and ensure you're familiar with the vacuum's features and attachments for optimal cleaning. Also, make sure you're using the vacuum according to the user manual to avoid any issues.

Q: How often should I replace my vacuum cleaner’s filter?

It is recommended to replace the filter every 1-3 months according to your cleaning frequency, or, replace it once it is worn out and the suction decreases too much. Check this to learn how to clean vacuum filters for less replacement.

Q: How can I involve my children in vacuuming while ensuring their safety?

involve my children in vacuuming while ensuring their safety

You can involve children in vacuuming by assigning manageable tasks like picking up large items from the floor beforehand. For safety, ensure they are instructed on how to operate the vacuum safely under adult supervision, including understanding not to touch the plug with wet hands and not to vacuum over cords to prevent electric shocks.